tomato pay in FT-backed publication, Sifted

tomato pay in FT-backed publication, Sifted

Fractal in FT-backed publication, Sifted

London is a hotbed for business and remains the global leader for fintech.

Hence it’s no secret that there is a war for talent. The battle lines cross banks, startups, scaleups, big tech and more -- every business is digitising, so every business is recruiting similar profiles.

tomato pay (formerly known as Fractal) CEO and co-founder, Nicholas Heller spoke to Sifted about the ongoing search for people, "London is a hotbed for business… [so] there’s a war for talent. There’s a very small pool of candidates who have the skills to work on complex systems…[Meanwhile] every business is digitising and hence every business is recruiting similar profiles.”

Engineers are ever more in demand. With so many big tech companies now venturing into the fintech space, small scale-ups are forced to compete with them to find exceptional people from a very small pool of candidates who have the skills to work on complex systems. Offering engineers competitive salaries and benefits in comparison to the tech giants is an ongoing challenge for us, and other London startups. With the boom in fintech investment, and shortage of engineers, salary expectations continue to increase at an alarming rate within the industry as there’s now a market for it, and understandably so.

At tomato pay, although we face these challenges, we are fortunate to have an incredible team of people, and it's very important that we’re all aligned and moving in the same direction. Like most startups, we offer generous stock options to ensure everyone owns a part of the future that they are building. We’ve found that the culture we’ve harboured over the years have helped us maintain a low turnover rate - currently at 1% over the past three years. We pride ourselves on our ability to maintain a diverse company, both in terms of gender and background. If you would like to work with us at tomato pay, do get in contact with us

You can find the full article written by Isabel Woodford, here.

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